By Itsuki Kaname
Overall: Pretty Much Awesome
Smex Factor: Red Lantern
Art: Generic-
Status: 1 Volume; Complete
Note: This is a spin-off of Self Portrait
Review: If it isn't obvious by now, I'll say it again: I HATE RAPE. I don't even like jokes about rape. I honestly think that it's the one crime that can never be excused, no matter the circumstance. Obviously, this leads me into conflict with a lot of BL.
Interval handles this more gracefully than most BL manga, not that that's really saying much.
Essentially, the plot is: one sexually confused high school boy takes advantage of another sexually confused high school boy, and they all end up miserable, humiliated, and even more confused.
The story starts with Ayumu pining over Taka, his best friend. He feels guilty about the feelings, so he suppresses them. And damn does he ever suppress them poorly because it seems that everyone knows about them but Taka. Enter Sawatari, who takes advantage of this knowledge and begins to sexually bully Ayumu.
Could this be the result of other repressed feelings? Or did Sawatari really just gain a sudden interest in molesting boys because they're gay? Is there some truth to gays turning men gay just by being gay around them?
Of course not. That's stupid. (Come on, people.)
Sawatari has feelings for Ayumu (surprise, surprise), and he's just as confused and irate about them as Ayumu is about his feelings for Taka! The only difference is, while Ayumu is mopey about Taka possibly liking somebody else (like a normal human being), Sawatari, being socially retarded apparently, starts molesting Ayumu.
Here's where the conflict comes: technically Ayumu didn't actually reject Sawatari's advances, but Sawatari bullied him into situations just short of rape, which Ayumu clearly didn't enjoy. But Ayumu's conflicted about all of this because Sawatari keeps sending him mixed signals: he's tender and humane towards Ayumu one moment, and the next, he's feeling him up! Add to that Ayumu's admiration for Sawatari's superior jumping ability as a fellow athlete (the reason that Ayumu does the high jump at all), and Ayumu really doesn't know what to think. And of course Sawatari just feels like a complete self-loathing asshole (because honestly, he is), but can't seem to stop himself.
AND he's still confused about being gay. And he's a teenager. (All teenagers are mentally challenged, especially boys. Not an insult, just a fact.)
And then it gets MORE interesting! Because the manga-ka asks the question: Even if he loves me, even if he's been in pain the whole time, even if he regretted it while DOING it, can I forgive him for the things he's done to me?
She asks it! She literally asks it! Please someone, give this woman a big kiss for me!
And without the cliched, "you raped me and I suddenly forgive/love you!" Ayumu seriously considers everything that has happened to him and Sawatari up until that point.
I have a very rigid view on rape. I don't think there's any sort of circumstance that makes it forgivable. However, like all ideas, opinions, morals, and codes, I'm open to new ideas and interpretations. I know that not all people think like me; therefore it's interesting to see a reexamination of rape in a BL manga that isn't complete and utter BS. I'm not totally convinced that rape is ever okay, ever, but I don't think this is a terrible way of writing about it.
Also, what kinda teenager has a TV that nice in his own room!? Sawatari apparently. What a bitch.
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