Mukizu Ja Irarenee
By Sadahiro Mika
Overall: Homocheese
Smex Factor: Sexy Sexy
Art: Pretty
Status: 1 Volume; Complete
Review: As always, Sadahiro Mika includes a sex scene every other page. Also as always, BECAUSE she includes sex scenes so frequently (frequently is an understatement), some of them actually include fairly important dialog. Sadahiro Mika's manga is not for the prudish.
It may be hard to notice between the constant sex and the frequent abuse that she inflicts upon her characters, but Sadahiro really, really loves...well, LOVE. Her characters may punch and hurt and full on ABUSE each other (with the most extreme example being Under Grand Hotel), but she often writes them with quite tangible feelings of love. Her characters really love each other. SO MUCH. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Which makes this manga interesting. There are three characters: Honami, Shouji, and Terumi. Honami used to have a crush on Terumi, but nothing came of it, so he dates Shouji. Then Shouji meets Terumi, and the two of them have a gratuitious affair.
So essentially, it's a silly love triangle, to which the answer is usually, "just have a threesome and get over it, dammit." Problem is, THEY DO. (Because this is Sadahiro Mika's story, and she likes sex.) And then things get MORE complicated. (Which I guess proves that the aforementioned response probably isn't a good one?)
Let me return to the point, "Sadahiro loves Love almost as much as she loves sex." Love is ALL THESE CHARACTERS TALK ABOUT. "I love you Terumi, but I love Honami." "I love Honami so much, and he loves you, Shouji." "I loved Honami, and now I love YOU, Shouji."
It's refreshing, in a weird way.
This intense love-in doesn't change the fact that Shouji is a bastard for cheating on Honami by roping Terumi into a relationship that he was initially resistant to though.
In the end, everyone (including the woobie, Honami) is very happy. So essentially, it's actually a very sweet manga after everyone gets over the fact that they want to sleep with everyone else.
And Sadahiro Mika is happy because she somehow incorporates everything she loves into one manga. (Gay, sex, love, motorcycles, surfing, and English.)
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