Royal Fiancé
By Asuma Risai
Overall: Crap
Smex Factor: Red Lantern
Art: Pretty
Status: 1 Volume; Complete
Review: I have to say, the prince's origin story is the most bullshit thing I've ever read. Like, bad fanfiction quality. Sorta like, "wait, wait, you're totally making this up as you go along, aren't you." Japan defended an island in the Mediterranean from its neighbors? Why!? That doesn't make ANY sense geographically!
And gender doesn't matter for the marriage of the royal family? That doesn't make sense HISTORICALLY! The reason that anyone married women in the first place is to pop out little baby HEIRS!
God, why don't they just come out and say, "I am the seme, you are the uke, now let us fuck" because it's not like they're trying to make a decent story ANYWAY.
And the prince's father appears to be no more than thirty years old, which lays suspicion upon the fact that he has a grown son.
The prince himself is an asshole, and his little bought-and-paid-for manbride is pathetic and unable to stand up for himself; although, he's capable of shattering bottles with his earsplitting cry of "Nooo...!!!" (But I'm not sure if that really counts.) The prince gets angry to the eleventh power over things that don't really make sense for him to react to. When he finally figures out what's up (what is up = Man-Bride is not some lying scheming wench but actually a pretty nice guy, which was pretty obvious from the get-go), he then takes the only course of logical action: by declaring that he owns Man-Bride and will control him forever (more or less). Sexy. That's what everyone wants to hear from one's fiancé.
And Man-Bride is just stupid. No two ways about it. And he likes to cry apparently. He also vacillates between calling the prince "the man of [his] dreams" and crying that he stole his first kiss. Make up your mind, man. Not that I ENTIRELY blame him. The prince is such a horrible dick. He also violates his human rights. (But Man-Bride's his wife, so he can do what he wants, right? Hurr durr. …Feminism…?)
The one note of sense in this is when Prince asks the sleeping Man-Bride: "I've been so horrible to you... Why do you still...? (Etc, etc)" YES, WHY DO YOU STILL ETC ETC?
And then it ends in the most predictable, clichéd manner possible. Like every other BL that frustrates me to no end, it fails to explore any plot that might have actually been interesting.
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