Happy Yarou Wedding
By Fujisaki Kou
Overall: Homocheese
Smex Factor: Sexy Sexy
Art: Ugly
Status: 1 Volume; Complete
Review: Oh lordy-loo, talk about horrendous art. Abnormally large hands, humongous feet, arms and legs way longer than they should be-- Aye! WHY. WHY IS IT SO UGLY. HOW DO PEOPLE LIKE THIS CREATE MANGA.
I don't think you could get away with proportioning this bad anywhere outside of BL manga. Except the internet. The faces are pretty bad. Which are also bad for proportioning reasons. UGH.
Besides the art, the story isn't terrible. (This doesn’t mean it’s even remotely good. Just in case you thought that was what I was saying.) It's a pretty standard story: university student + university teacher + teacher's child = one big, gay, happy family, which is always kinda cute. The kid's a little annoying, but that might just be me and my extreme discomfort with small children. (They're like....little...animals or something. What the hell would I do with a child.)
I noticed something while reading this, which is not exclusive to this BL, or even shoujo, at all. A character (such as Yuuhi, in this case) will have character attributes in the beginning of the manga that he will quickly lose when he falls in love with his significant other. Basically, his character is underdeveloped. Not that I expect much from such a homocheesey manga, but still. He had a lonely childhood because his mother was dead/abandoned him/something and his father was....working? And he presumably died before the start of the manga? Who knows? Clearly nobody cares enough to elaborate.
All we know about Yuuhi is that he had a lonely childhood, which makes him fit perfectly into the maternal role of Touno's family (because…he knows what children want from their mommies?). He was created to perfectly fill a niche, which is A PROBLEM. It eliminates the conflict that a story needs in order to BE a STORY! Not to mention the fact that nothing in this world is perfect. There IS no perfect; at best, there's "really good."
Touno's even worse. Okay, he has a kid. Who's the mother? One would think that this would be explored, or at the very least EXPLAINED or QUESTIONED in a BL built off of the fact that the seme has a child. BUT IT NEVER EVEN GETS MENTIONED. Yuuhi never asks. He never even THINKS about it! It's just...THERE! Maybe it was mitosis.
I'm sure the manga-ka wasn't looking to create a masterpiece of literature (would that be hilarious or sad? Both?), but I can always dream that one day, BL manga-kas will pay attention to those mysterious beasts: plot and story mechanics.
And I hope that this manga will not make you think of how often your own parents have sex, because according to this, it's ALL THE BLOODY TIME.
Haha, I'll bet that gave you horrible imagery.
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