Ordinary Crush
By Fujiyama Hyouta
Overall: Intéressante
Smex Factor: Modest
Art: Generic
Status: 2 Volumes; complete
Review: Normally I wouldn't pay this manga any mind; it's in an all-boys high school and the art style is the more...unattractive style of generic.
HOWEVER. The story's pretty cute. For one, there IS one girl in it, and she's pretty cool. HEH. Secondly, it actually addresses the idea of role reversal in sex, without having a ton of sex included in the book. NOT TO MENTION rational reactions to the usual "drama" situations. I like.
The main character's brother is pretty cute too, despite his obvious...problems.
The side stories range from confusing to cute. The one with the tall guys in the second volume? CUTE CUTE CUTE.
The robot one? Ur...I didn't entirely get it.
The school doctor? Ehn, I didn't like either character. Girly uke and megane seme don't do it for me, but I suppose it worked well enough. The girly uke wasn't that annoying, and the megane seme wasn't actually like the typical megane seme... Girly Uke actually reminded me a lot of Nakao from Hana Kimi. More entertaining.
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